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Mastering Parenthood: Quotes for a Happy Family

Raising a child is one of the most challenging as well as the most rewarding tasks. It is like an adventure. It can be an exhausting and challenging task. But it is also one of the most fulfilling and satisfying experiences. Even the best parents start doubting themselves whether they are giving their best to their children.“We’re all imperfect parents, and that’s perfectly okay. Tiny humans need connection, not perfection.” LR Knost, an award winning author quotes in her international best seller  'Two Thousand Kisses a Day: Gentle Parenting Through the Ages and Stages'

Tips for a happy and healthy family.

Let's have a look at some quotes about parenting to help you get  through the challenges of parenthood and make the journey memorable.

1.Create a loving and healthy atmosphere at home” – Sadhguru

A child is naturally joyful and  their survival instinct is strong. They  will respond to situations in a certain way. One most important thing that every parent should do is, you must ensure that until the child reaches a certain age, we should maintain your home atmosphere in such a way that he never gets to see what fear, anxiety, anger, resentment or  frustration, you have to  maintain this atmosphere that your house is full of joy and loving atmosphere” suggests Sadhguru, the found and head of the Isha Foundation.

2.Get good at repair”-- advises Becky Kennedy, a clinical psychologist

Repair is the act of going back to a moment of disconnection and the  Taking responsibility for your behaviour. It also involves acknowledging the negative impact of your behaviour on others.

“Most of us communicate with our child the same way that we grew up. That communication style becomes our normal way of dealing with issues and having communication. It is what we learn  and pass on to our own children. It is on us whether we  become our childhood or we make a choice to change it for our children.”—Kristen Crockett

We cannot expect our children to grow up or behave  in a particular way. As parents we always have these expectations from our children. This sometimes can be related to the environment we grew up in as a child. We unintentionally start treating them the same way we were treated as a child

3. Understand the true purpose of education.

“Education should be a tool to expand human perception and consciousness, not a tool for producing cogs for a larger should allow individual human beings to overflow with their humanityWhen your humanity overflows, divinity cannot be denied to you.” explains Sadhguru.

4.“Do not worry when your children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.” — Robert Fulghum

 As Sadhguru quotes,”Be a Superstar in their eyes. Children grow by observation and involvement, not by teachings and philosophies that you may propound. Please set such an example, become that person that you want your children to be, then there is hardly anything to be done.

5. “If your child has never hated you, you have never been a parent.”—Bette Davis

Children usually hate it when they are frustrated or disappointed. They may act in a certain way when they feel like they are losing control of the situation. As a parent, you might have to come across such a situation at least once in your parenthood journey.

6. Spent time with them in nature 

“Nature is the best teacher.” One of the most important things that you can do for your child is to spend some time with them amidst nature. Nature can teach children what you cannot teach at home or at schools c. “This is one of the simplest ways to keep children away from various addictions which are always threatening to come into families. And above all, a certain sense of discipline will naturally become ingrained in a child when they're out in nature, because what works there, what doesn't work there, is very clear cut.” advises Sadhguru.

7. “One of the greatest gifts a parent can give his child is self confidence.” –Stewart Stafford

Self confidence in children helps them build a positive self image of themselves. They may develop a lower self esteem if they feel criticized or unsupported by closed ones, especially their parents. It is important for parents to make sure to provide the child with assurance and appreciate their effort and help them build their self esteem.

8. “The best gift of inheritance a parent can give his children is to spend some of his time with them each day.” –O.A. Battist

It is often hard for parents and kids to spend quality time together. But parents have to make sure to spend time with their kids. Kids love attention and they can do things out of their way to get noticed. Parents should consider this as a duty for them to spend at least some time with the kids and do things they enjoy. This not only helps the child develop moral values but also build a healthy relationship with each other. 

9. “It is easy to have an opinion about parenting, but the hardest thing in the world to do.
--Matt Walsh

We often come across people who always have an opinion over things and share advice no matter what you do. But the actual situation that  the parent encounters is far more complicated and demanding. Not everyone has similar experiences with their kids. Many opinions arise from observation but the real scenario might be different. It is the parents duty to learn with time how to handle situations based on their experience with their kids.

. "If you are a parent, you are the butterfly flapping your wings. Your child is the hurricane, a breathtaking force of nature. You will shape the person your child becomes like the butterfly shapes the hurricane: in complex, seemingly unpredictable, but powerful ways" says Yuko Munakata

This is a reference to the Chinese proverb which says that a butterfly has the power to change the wind current just by flapping its wings. Parents can be a good influence for their kids. but it can be hard to know which forces influence kids who they become.

. Sir Ken Robinson said "that the aims of Education is to understand the world around us and understand the world within us"

We become who we aspire to be. Education should aim into focusing on awareness of our surroundings as well as in promoting self awareness.It should help us navigate our own thoughts and emotions.

12. "If we were told from the beginning that childhood defines adult mental health we would take greater care to nurture a child's soul" says
Lael Stone

As adults many of the problems we face related to trauma, attachment or connection, mostly comes from our childhood. There are certain things that restricted us as a child that are still a concern even during adulthood.

13. "I've learned about gifted is that I think that intelligence piece is just one symptom or one dimension of what is really going on and it's a bigger picture and it's about intensity and the  physiological difference in the brain where your brain is more intense you feel things more and learn things more intensely" Heidi Hass Gable 

14. “Children learn best when they are in the zone where tasks are not too easy and not too hard, where the goals are achievable with grit, determination, and passion.”Austeja Landsbergiene

This can be often referred to as the zone of  “Proximal Development”. When children are assigned with tasks that are very easy, they might get bored and lose interest. But when the tasks are too hard, they might get frustrated and discouraged. The tasks assigned to the kids should be well balanced for them to enjoy the task as well as learn something from them.

15. “Every parent wants their kids to be happy and successful. So it is our instinct to shield them from getting hurt and disappointed  . We worry about them developing low self-esteem and praise them for everything.  We are concerned if they will fit in, we indulge them in things we think might be good for them. We try to step in and take over because we don't want them to fail . And we do all of this with the intention of curating a perfect life for them. But what we're really doing is raising kids who are afraid to take risks because they fear failure; kids who lack the confidence in their ability to figure things out; and then young people who are afraid of transitioning into adulthood.” Tameka Montgomery

A study conducted by the  Pew Research study found that about  52 percent of young adults are living at home. This happens to be highest  percentage recorded since the Great Depression

16. “Great relationships build autonomy which allows us to leverage trust which builds massive influence” says Dr. Justin Coulson

A great relationship is the one where individuals have a sense of autonomy. They respect each other's independence and personal space. When parents provide such environment to kids, they are likely to build a healthier relationship with their parents 

17. “Your child is okay holding the ordinariness, the child doesn't need more to feel more of themselves. they didn't come with this egoic desire to attach to PhD’s or labels or judgments or wealth to feel themselves. children feel themselves just by who they are. they have the simplest access to wholeness we rob them of this to truly love someone it's truly loving the other for who it is they are with no you in the picture”
Dr. Shefali Tsabary

18. “Parenting is spontaneous, more than anything else. Parenting is about the unexpected moments of bliss that we savor. When we decide to run a marathon, we don't run 42 kilometers on our first try. We may run one kilometer or just 500 meters. And just like all big journeys, the journey of parenting starts with a first step.” Austeja Landsbergiene

19. “ The more you continue to hear what you can't do where you can't go and who you can't become there is a neurological path that is created in the brain that causes individuals to shut down” Simon T. Bailey

Be careful with what you talk to your child. Studies show that these restrictions and limitations impact the neurological development in childrens. When you repeatedly tell your child what he can't do or what he is not capable of doing, their brain creates a neurological pathway that contributes to a sense of limitation and discouragement.

20. “Beyond offering loving connection and responsive caregiving the most effective thing you can do for your baby's education is to thoughtfully prepare their environment babies are learning how to learn so we make the most impact by helping them develop healthy learning habits such as concentration and focus perseverance and problem solving creativity and the love of learning these habits are early building blocks in a set of skills” Zehra Kassam

Parenting is like a lifelong journey. It is an adventurous process but it is also the most beautiful journey. It begins with the birth of a child and continues all throughout life. While each parent will take a different approach to teach their child, these are just several lessons we believe are essential for every child to understand from a young age. So choose your journey wisely.

Good luck!

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